Seaweed / Kelp Fertilizer

Seaweed / Kelp Fertilizer

Experimental Basis.

  • Demonstration Crops: Rice.
  • Demonstration Place: Suzhou, Anhui Province, Linyi, Shandong Province, China.
  • Applied Fertilizer: Kelp Granular Fertilizer + Kelp Extract Powder + Root Promoter
  • Observation: Comparing to the contrast group, rice treated with kelp based fertilizer has strengthen tilling ability, flourishing root and glossy green leaves, enhance resistance to disease, and improved quality and productivity by 20%.


Experimental Basis.

  • Demonstration Crops: Wheat.
  • Demonstration Place: Cangzhou, Hebei Province, and Shangqiu, Henan Province, China.
  • Applied Fertilizer: Kelp Granular Fertilizer + Kelp Extract Powder
  • Observation: Treated wheat exhibited orderly, full and healthy seedling, flourishing root and glossy green leaves, strengthened tilling ability. Jointed earlier when revived and without premature aging. Grains were plump-eared, with good quality and high production.


Experimental Basis.
  • Demonstration Crops: Corn
  • Demonstration Place: Northeast Region, China
  • Applied Fertilizer: Kelp Granular Fertilizer + Root Promoter
  • Observation: Treated corns grown with flourishing root , denser green leaves, produced desirable kernels, resistance to lodging, diseases and premature senescence, yield increased by 32%.

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